Friday 8 January 2016

Am I Willing?

The story continues; a sequel in draft form always evolving. Will she make it? What will happen? Oh, oh, there she goes again? Thump! Can we just rip the pages out of our life that we don`t like and put them through a shredder? Is there a re-write button that we can push to change the beginning or the middle - those rocky parts where the heroine trips and falls and, then, just sits?

I have read this blog from beginning to now and I have decided that the place to start is the ending, not a new beginning. Knowing where it started is important, but agonizing over the details is fruitless. The story is a continuum of breaths. Each inhalation and subsequent exhalation are called life. One without the other is death. There is a continuing, a growing, a reaching that does change the plot, the twists, the curves, the drama, the pain but the element of a satisfying life story is determined by choosing the ending and sticking to it. The telling is the how.

I set out on this blog to write a new ending for my life. An ending that would see me living my authentic self,  as healthy as genetically possible, enjoying my family, seeking new adventures and someday, rocking by a warm fire, content with the ending of a life well lived. Being authentic has a great deal to do with the final contentment. The question remains: what I am willing to suffer to make that happen?

Stay tuned!

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